
Jaq mouseMy name is Jaq. Like the little orange-coated mouse from Cinderella just to the left there. I’m an ex-pat citizen of the U.S. currently living in Lithuania, where I write and teach and have adventures, most of which are written about on this blog.

Some of those adventures include backpacking across Europe in the summer of 2008, which starts here.

I love magic, reading and taking pictures. If you like any of the images you see here, feel free to let me know. They’ll be available for purchase here. I’ve also spent time in Barcelona, Disneyland Paris, and my birthday, in July of 2013, was spent with my friend Jennifer in the UK.

You can follow me on twitter and Instagram, if that happens to be your thing. And I love reading and listening to books, so if that’s your idea of fun too, be my friend on Goodreads.

In addition to various travel and personal stuff, I try to publish a movie review (new, old, popular, obscure, whatever I’ve seen) on Mondays and a book review (same deal) on Thursdays. If there’s something you’d like me to talk about, feel free to let me know.

I have also published several books and a number of short stories (check here if you want to read some of them). I also publish articles regularly for a number of different magazine on a variety of topics. Several of those pieces can be found here. Or if you want to follow along on my haphazardly published autobiographical journey, So there was this girl…, just click the link.

Then there are the screenplays. I keep meaning to put those up here and maybe at some point I will. If, however, you want to read some, just send me a note and I’ll be happy to provide.

If you want to talk about writing, hire me to write something or edit a manuscript or just generally chat about the state of existence, I can be contacted easily through the following links:



Or if you want to reach me more directly:

Skype: Skidspoppe

Email: Captainjaq

Facebook: /captainjaq

You can send me snail mail here:

Saulės Gatve 22-40
LT-51364 Kaunas


2821 Glen Aulin St.
Las Vegas, NV 89108

And if you want to get me a present – my list is here   



10 thoughts on “About

  1. I am looking to answer the same question as I travel around China. Who am I? Periodically, I will be stopping by to check out your travels.
    I leave tomorrow! I am excited but not scared at all (yet). Maybe when I arrive amidst the 10-11 million people I will become nervous. Ha!

  2. Heya Jaq – have you read any Tom Holt? I think he’s a worthy successor to Douglas Adams – similar fun with wordplay, similar fun with convolutions of plot, some science fantasy (NOT fiction), but he also does ‘historical novels’ where he re-imagines historical factual events using the same snarky dialogue and description as his other books. Also, he’s totally into physics (see the ‘Doughnut’ series), and his earlier books re-imagine various mythologies and religious beliefs being dragged into 20th C Britain.

      1. And it’s funny you mention him since i just read (and wrote a review for next thursday) Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore, whom I also like a lot

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