Tell me about a song that brings back an interesting memory from your youth

241185075_4345170612196389_904449076746889131_nThere’s this weird thing about senses – even though we get most of our information through our eyes, scent and sound are much better for memory recall. And so, this week’s question, about a song that brings back an interesting memory from youth, is a strange hybrid for me. I mean, sure, I’ll answer the question (as well as I usually do with these) but at the same time, I probably won’t answer it very well, because my memories, the ones I will share, are conscious memories. If I were to be completely honest here, I’d just listen to a bunch of music I remember hearing from youth and then let the visceral memories wash over me and report back what I feel. Continue reading “Tell me about a song that brings back an interesting memory from your youth”

Night of the Iguana – Day 2 London 2020

Jan 23 – Night of the (Los) Iguana

Las Iguanas Menu.jpgOf all the days I was going to be in London, this was the only one Lin was actually working. In a practical sense, what this meant was that she was up and out of the house early, leaving me to fend for myself. So since I was on vacation, I lounged around for a bit, made myself some breakfast, and called Rasa and Monki. All of which took me to about 9:30am. When I relax I really relax, huh? Continue reading “Night of the Iguana – Day 2 London 2020”

Try Some, Buy Some?

ThursdaysFor some reason, maybe it’s because I miss being visually creative or because I wanted to see some of these things in the world, who knows? But what’s happened is that I’ve come up with some products, thanks to some amazing designers, and made a little shop to sell them.

Now, this isn’t some plan to get rich or anything like that (yes, I do make a little bit, but really that’s just for Monki’s college fund) but more just for me to have some design fun and share things. So if you see something you like, pick it up. If there’s something you want, let me know.


Anthems for the Moon: David Bowie’s Sci-Fi Explorations | Pitchfork

From “Space Oddity” through “Blackstar,” David Bowie was pop music’s ambassador to the realms of science fiction and fantasy. Jason Heller explains how the shapeshifting Starman was inspired by the dark sci-fi experiments of the space age.

Source: Anthems for the Moon: David Bowie’s Sci-Fi Explorations | Pitchfork

Monki’s Music

bowie-onsieSo… Monki is 6 months old. About 9 months ago, I wrote about having a short time where my likes could totally overwrite hers, and that as she grew, she’d start to develop her own tastes and preferences.

I just didn’t expect it to start so soon.  Continue reading “Monki’s Music”

TNBBC’s The Next Best Book Blog: The 2017 David Bowie Reading Challenge

Okay, I know I said I’m going to be doing the PopSugar book challenge, and I’m sticking to that, but then I came across this reading challenge and I just had to share it.

I don’t know how far I’ll get with this one, but I like it too much to not at least add it to my own personal reading challenges of the year. Once you take a look at the (admittedly huge) list, I’ve gone ahead and made a PDF of it for your very own tracking purposes. Let’s see how many songs you can get through – I’m gonna start with Ziggy Stardust and work my from there!

Confessions of a Vinyl Junkie | David Bowie’s 25 Favorite Albums

The Record CollectorA little while ago, my friend JR made the comment that even though it’s been more than a month since David Bowie’s death, he’s still listening to the man’s music.

So am I.

Along those lines, I present a little tidbit which says that while we’re all listening to Bowie’s music, he was probably listening to other things. This is a great list and the commentary notes are fantastic.

Source: Confessions of a Vinyl Junkie | David Bowie’s 25 Favorite Albums

David Bowie 1947-2016

From the “Heroes” photo session by Masayoshi Sukita

David Bowie died.

He was probably my first rock and roll hero. I remember seeing him sing Space Oddity on some early 70s TV show, then seeking out the song, finding it on cassette on ChangesOneBowie. From there it wasn’t hard to pick up the albums which had come before and stick with the man through permutations and variations. I identified with him. He was the ultimate shapeshifter, able to morph into whatever guise was required at the time. I knew I wasn’t alone in this, but it wasn’t until yesterday, when news of his death was made known that I realized just how many people identified with him. Continue reading “David Bowie 1947-2016”

Happy Birthday, David Bowie

See David Bowie transform over the years in one animated GIF.

Recently, David Bowie celebrated his 68th birthday. Artist Helen Green made this great little animation highlighting the various changes the man has gone through over the last 50 years or so. ETA I just found out today is actually the 50th anniversary of his first record released using the name “Bowie.”

Myself, I’ve always been a Bowie fan. Often, more a fan of the man himself than his music. Not that I don’t like his music, I do, but it’s never spoken to me as much as some other artists and certainly not as much as the actor behind all these looks has.  Continue reading “Happy Birthday, David Bowie”